Breathe! Cast Off the Burdens of Your Past “I can’t do this anymore.” Or “I can’t survive like this any longer,” echoes in so many people walking through my door…Continue reading
13Indulging our Pain
Forgiveness is easy, indulging our pain is not. Many of the clients who enter my office are exhausted—ready and willing to heal. They’ve come to terms that they need to…Continue reading
8Go Out And Live
If you hate your job—leave it. If you hate your relationship—leave it. Even if you’re scared, just let go—leave it. Don’t stay in it for the money. It could be…Continue reading
8From The Fixer to The Healer
“As I return back to life, I know I’m going to put ME at the top of my list. I need to start my days in silence, some type of…Continue reading
11Empower Your Health
Your story is the spirit and life force within you. Trauma, hurts, and destructive emotional patterns can hide inside the cell tissue of your body manifesting into an undesirable physiological…Continue reading
9The Emotional Pain Chart: The Flow Between The Mind And Body
The body is but a vessel ~ A.J. Durai The Emotional Pain Chart When you have a cleared mind, you naturally expend less energy everyday and use that energy towards…Continue reading