Happy New Year Friends! I am searching for a strong partner and a community to seed our Vision for 2020 that will propel a new future for health care. This…Continue reading
Happy New Year Friends! I am searching for a strong partner and a community to seed our Vision for 2020 that will propel a new future for health care. This…Continue reading
12The greatest gift you can give your family is healing yourself. When you heal YOUthe power of that transformation transcends and descends your bloodlines. Anger turns to acceptance, grief turns…Continue reading
8What is your origin story? When you know your origin story, your superhuman power will rise to meet you. There is power in turning over the secrets and wounds of…Continue reading
7Your childhood is housed in your physical body. The emotions, experiences and people in childhood wire your body to connect or protect itself. Your mind may have buried your childhood,…Continue reading
9The old translation of the word sin – syn, is not as sinister as modern day would have us believe. Syn translated means missing the mark. At times, we miss…Continue reading
7Over the last decade in my physical and energetic therapy practice, I’ve detected and identified past traumatic life experiences stored in the body driving pain, injuries, disease and addiction in…Continue reading