Empowered Health Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides spiritual and physical strengthening to those suffering with pain, illness and disease. On the preventative side, we are also here for those seeking to understand destructive patterns within their lives that could potentially manifest into disease. Either way, it’s about change.
Your story is the spirit and life force within you. At Empowered Health Foundation, we believe that trauma, hurts and destructive emotional patterns can hide inside the cell tissue of your body manifesting into an undesirable physiological diagnosis. In the physical realm of medicine, we have accepted this as our genetics. However, if we rise above that mindset, it will give us a sense of power that everything is possible, even reversing disease and reclaiming our lives.
Over the decades, pain and disease have been treated with more medication, injections and surgeries. Instead, choose to take part in your healing process by listening to your inner self and mindfully connecting to your body. We must acknowledge the power of our spirit and the natural ability the body has to repair itself.
We encourage you to unravel and extract all the darkness and shadows from the story of your life. It may include trauma or emotional patterns that have been handed down for generations. It is important to deal with the issues that have caused you pain and make a connection to disease and suffering by admitting your truth through the power of your voice.
John Lennon sang, “All we need is love” from his heart. Most of us want to be loved, heard and understood. Anger, guilt, resentment, shame and grief are the five largest emotions behind cancer. It is essential for us to resolve unfinished business within our lives and heal our personal history so that we don’t pass on our wounds to our children. We need people who are full of optimism and love for this life, which will create healthy bodies and homes for our families and ourselves.
Empowered Health Foundation asks you to write your own story. Our hope is to create actively existing people who know who they are in this world and what they are being called to do. As this aligns they will find happiness, live with ease and be truly healthy.
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