Every day, women spend money on shoes, clothes, makeup, wine, hair products, services, lunch, and dinner dates, but are they really satisfied? I tend to believe that this customary spending…Continue reading
11The Emotional Pain Chart: The Flow Between The Mind And Body
The body is but a vessel ~ A.J. Durai The Emotional Pain Chart When you have a cleared mind, you naturally expend less energy everyday and use that energy towards…Continue reading
16Take Flight And Let Go
“Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” ― Anne Frank Oh the…Continue reading
12Living To Your Highest Potential: Meet Jen
You’re gonna love her. She’s 30, a sweetheart, and passionately leading the millennial work force. Not motivated by money or status, she’s just led by her heartstrings to make an…Continue reading