Forgiveness is easy, indulging our pain is not. Many of the clients who enter my office are exhausted—ready and willing to heal. They’ve come to terms that they need to…Continue reading
8Lost Inside Heroin
We carry these things inside us that no one else can see. They hold us down like anchors, they drown us out to sea. -Unknown I met this young man…Continue reading
9Sweet Dreams
*Yawn* Do you know what is the number one complaint in the doctor’s office? Why can’t I go to sleep? Why can’t I stay asleep? Why am I so tired?…Continue reading
11Get Out of Your Own Way
My client list is starting to become younger and younger. After over a decade working to eliminate chronic pain patterns and observing my own children, I’ve come to realize that…Continue reading
122016 Is THE Year
I’m calling it: 2016 is going to be the year – my personal year to shine. I’ve waited forty years to say that and it feels just as good as…Continue reading
12Share Your Gift!
Today is the halfway marker for my 40 days to 40. I can’t believe I have twenty days until I turn forty years old! I’m so happy I took this…Continue reading