Meet Ryan, the gifted Wordsmith. He decided it was time to quit the drinking and smoking and dissect his pain. Losing his father to cancer at five-years-old stole a piece…Continue reading
11Dear Mom, Love Ryan: Part One
Meet Ryan. He struggles with alcohol, anger, and a vague pain over the right side of his ribcage underneath his breast. Ryan is childhood friend of mine, little brother to…Continue reading
13A New Way to Die
Transcending with Empowered Health Foundation “Nothing can happen more beautiful than death.” –Walt Whitman MISSION At Empowered Health Foundation we want to refrain from the horror and hopelessness of death…Continue reading
11Stop Carpel Tunnel Pain
THE CARPAL TUNNEL The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway located on the palm side of your wrist. This tunnel is comprised of small bones and protects a main nerve,…Continue reading