Proprioception is an awareness of where our bodies are positioned. It’s an important motor development skill everyone needs to learn, especially children. How can we tell kids to sit still…Continue reading
10Listen to Your Partner
My husband and I have been married for over eight years with all of life’s troubles from arguing to be seen and heard, to whom is doing more when we…Continue reading
10Blocked by A Past Life
If you haven’t heard of Brené Brown, you must check her out. For over twenty years, she has primarily researched the emotions of shame and vulnerability and drawn…Continue reading
10I’ve Got a Cure
I’VE GOT A CURE…(well, an idea at least) YOU. You are the cure. I think most people would agree we’ve swung too far away from whole and it’s time to…Continue reading
9The Hope for Healing Human Evil
If you want a fascinating read, check out People of The Lie by Scott Peck. He also wrote the classic, The Road Less Travelled over thirty years ago, but this hidden…Continue reading