There’s this thing that happens with chronic neck pain. Over time, it’s not so physical anymore and it becomes an energetic problem. It doesn’t have anything to do with your…Continue reading
14Powering Down to Power Up
All we have to fear is fear itself, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said during the Great Depression and his words resonate today. We carry the strength of our ancestors who…Continue reading
14Invisible Wounds Speaking Loud and Clear, Are We Ready to Listen?
Saoirse Kennedy-Hill’s life came to an abrupt end at age 22. She is the beloved daughter and granddaughter of the Kennedy family. There behind her familiar shining smile hides invisible…Continue reading
10Sins Of The Father Are Visited On The Son
The old translation of the word sin – syn, is not as sinister as modern day would have us believe. Syn translated means missing the mark. At times, we miss…Continue reading
7EMO Pain = Body Pain
In my experience as a physical and energetic therapist, people with body pain have stored emotional pain. Let me break it down. Emotions have a body expression and frequency, an…Continue reading
7What Secret is Your Body Trying to Protect?
When you are holding a secret in your body, over time that secret becomes toxic—diseased, riddled with pain. Secrets are lethal. Your body can even keep a secret –trauma –…Continue reading