The Burden of Shoulder Pain

There’s this thing that happens with chronic shoulder pain. Over time, it’s not so physical anymore and it becomes an energetic problem. It doesn’t have anything to do with your slightly torn rotator cuff or your previous shoulder dislocation. At this point, it has everything to do with the lower vibrations of your heart center. Something doesn’t feel right inside, something is just slightly off. We can’t name it because no one taught us how to connect our life experiences to our physical bodies. But I’m beginning to gain hope. The wise master teachers are rising high on the healthcare plane; we’re starting to hear the whisper of their voices because we’re finally starting to listen.

Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life highlights mental thoughts and how they form physical experiences. Our Emotional Pain Chart lays it out beautifully! In her book, the shoulder is represented by one’s ability to carry out experiences, in life, joyously. We unknowingly make life a burden by our attitude, which unquestionably makes me think of Yogi Bhajan. His belief that tightness within our body is just an accumulation of attitudes is truly spot on. Our mind really does have considerable impact on our human frame. The disconnection of love definitely hurts us.

As a physical and energetic therapist, my body detective archetype kicks in, and I do a light investigation of the musculoskeletal system and a thorough spiritual analysis. I gather my data through the tone of one’s voice, their natural postural habits, and their perspective on life. I’m interested in the way they tell their life story, the key players involved, and how they interact within their relationships. I want to know why they do or why they don’t protect themselves. I’m interested in their level of self-confidence, self-worth, and how they value life overall. Are they living their dreams? Have they found their light? Do they feel loved? Are they grateful?

My goal is to redirect them on their life path. Immediately.

By the time I evaluate the longstanding shoulder pain, the client has limited mobility and an overall decrease in the use of the arm. It’s affecting their daily life and most certainly has taken a toll on their freedom. The heaviness of the arm breeds sadness and flickers of depression typically enter one’s mind. What we don’t realize is that the sadness has been sandwiched between shame and anger for quite awhile. The intellectual form of the body is searching for understanding, lesson and purpose through dormant emotions.

One of the major emotions that, I believe, sits deep in the capsule of the shoulder is grief. We experience loss all the time; loss of a parent, loss of whom we really are, maybe even regret that we aren’t living the lives we dream. Perhaps we’re bitter because we can’t find the courage to carry out life the way we hold in our mind. 

The right side of the body represents the masculine as the left side represents the feminine energy body. The right shoulder could be holding issues with a man in your life, as a woman maybe carrying too much masculine energy or we are over giving. As for left shoulder problems, it could be issues with a woman in your life – maybe you lost your mom or you need to reconcile with an estranged loved one or there is a heartbreak that is need of healing. The body doesn’t lie. Even if you think you are over the pain, there might be more to mend. Physical pain is emotional pain. 

Our shoulder carries the burden of where we are not receiving the love we need, we feel defeated and yearning to feel lighter and feel lifted once again.

My initial treatment typically begins on the table where I work on the shoulder from a physical perspective using joint and soft tissue mobilization. I’m searching for a pain-free pattern so their mind can find a glimmer of hope. I usually have them lay on a foam roller with arms stretched out to the side so they can make a connection with the pain and what it could be representing. I encourage to reframe the thought into a positive manner and release the emotion. As we move through that clear range of motion the client can establish a positive pool of energy within the heart line and start to dissolve the depression that’s been draining their soul.

And this is where I begin my energetic treatment. I assist in cutting cords that they’ve been tethered too, whether it’s people or things in their lives that no longer serve a purpose. The body craves this type of healing because the emotional experiences, which have been stuffed down, surface to release the pain. I find that it illuminates the soul. And, it leaves an indelible imprint that renews the heart full of love and passion for this thing called life.

It’s time to open up and release the pain.


Join me on my journey and subscribe to my Substack, “Physioenergetic Therapy with Dr. G,” where I dive deeper into the world of healing. Together, we’ll explore articles filled with exercises and insights into the potential root causes of trauma and pain within the body, offering guidance on how to heal from within.



  1. Martina says:

    Thank you Gina for this enlightening article,does one shoulder hold different emotional baggage to the other?

    • HI! Good question. Yes, the right side of the body represents the masculine as the left side represents the feminine. The right shoulder could be holding issues with a man in your life, as a woman maybe carrying too much masculine energy or we are over giving. As for left shoulder problems, it’s where we are not receiving the love we need, maybe we need to learn how to do that or overall just feeling defeated. Hope this gives you some direction!

  2. Preeya says:

    Thank you Gina, for this incredible insight, everything you said made perfect sense and more so in answering Martina’s question.
    I so needed this. Thank you.

  3. Aidy says:

    Hi Gina.
    Thank you for your explanation. I have suffered a dislocated shoulder recently coming off my bike.
    I knew the way I have been living has not been serving me and this has been my biggest wake up call so far!

    • HI! You’re welcome! Yes, accidents have an ability to do that! I remember when I kept getting rear-ended in my car. After the fourth time I sold the car and changed my life. I felt the Universe trying to make me do something different, push me forward in a new direction…and I did! Many blessings to you!

  4. Emily says:

    This is exactly spot on with me.
    What can I do to help release the pain?
    And heal on an emotional level?
    I would love to see you for a treatment.
    Unfortunately we are in different countries.

    • Hi Emily! I do virtual appointments for physical and energetic therapy. We could specifically name the emotionally root of the pain and I could teach you some emotional release techniques. Email gina@cforcestudio to set up an appointment. On the other hand, Try laying on a foam roller to open your chest, arms stretched out to the side. Think of what the shoulder (right-masculine/left-feminine) pain represents (make a connection) and reframe the thought into a positive manner and release the emotion. All the best to you, Gina

  5. Fiona says:

    Wow this was so good to read, I’ve had right shoulder pain for a week now, and I’ve been on a journey for me, need to do a lot more, Thank you 😊

  6. Lynne says:

    What if the doctor told you your entire shoulder needs replacing due to severe arthritis? The loss of mobility and sleep takes a toll.

  7. Dot Fleming says:

    I am estranged from my sister and she is filled with rage and depression. She was an abused wife. She insists I write her a letter of apology.

    I have been told by my therapist to stay away from her until she is healed.
    This article helped me. I have pain in my left shoulder and it makes sense. Thank you.

    • Hi Jack! Glad you found the insights helpful. As for pain related to both sides of the shoulder equally it would be a balance of giving (right side) and receiving (left side) in life. Also, take a look at the masculine and feminine qualities about yourself and whether they may need some balancing too. Lastly, lift your chest up high and find your inner confidence- pull your shoulders back and tell yourself, “I can do this!” Notice when you have good, tall posture how it makes you feel inside, good luck!

      • Rene says:

        Hi Gina, enjoyed this read. What do you mean by “ We make life burden by our
        attitude.”? Could you explain or give example please?

        • Thank you for reading! Making life a burden by our attitude means that our perception of a situation may not be what you think it is. Perhaps we can change our attitude and find a different perspective and it can lift the weight of the world that we feel on our shoulders. For example- someone said something rude to you- you can either be offended or recognize the statement is not about you and doesn’t bother you.The energy bounces right off!

  8. Madoka says:

    Thank you Gina for the article. Mine is grief. Lost my husband in 2021 and never made sense what is wrong with my right shoulder that doctors cannot even pick. I guess I need to investing dealing with my situation accompanied by exercise as well.

    • Thank you for reading! I’m sorry for the loss of your husband. Grief is the core emotion of the heart. Being mindful of releasing the grief and moving your body with that intention is helpful as stated in the article. Wishing you peace and love. Big hug, xx

  9. Madoka says:

    Thank you Gina for the article. Mine is grief. Lost my husband in 2021 and never made sense what is wrong with my right shoulder that doctors cannot even pick. I guess I need to investing dealing with my situation accompanied by exercise as well.

  10. Lyn says:

    This was very helpful, thank you! I’m currently experiencing intense shoulder pain, this article was the first google hit. That felt fortunate. I’m on the east coast, is it possible to connect with you?

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