You’re gonna love her. She’s 30, a sweetheart, and passionately leading the millennial work force. Not motivated by money or status, she’s just led by her heartstrings to make an impact on the world hoping to leave it better than when she entered. Her business, Life in Jeneral, is taking off quicker than anticipated, landing her on my client roster to advocate for her own health. She knew she needed help with balancing her purpose and her personal life— she didn’t want to neglect her physical body.
I admire that she listened to that deep voice that gives us subtle guidance throughout life. Jen felt a pull to pursue her dreams yet she was still conscious to not lose sight of her balance on this physical plane. She’s lovely, infectious, and full of inspiring energy. Here’s a dose of JENergy…soak it up.
1. How did you find your purpose?
It’s funny because when I was a personal assistant to a professional athlete and worked 24/7 for so many years, I actually didn’t even realize I was living my purpose until I came out of it and decided to start my own business. It was so much more than a “job” to me that I didn’t even care working around the clock—ever. I’ve always loved helping make people’s lives easier and/or better by taking care of all the “to-do’s” needed and getting them organized to live their best life. This meant making sure everything was in order around their house, schedule, and heart. It sounds cheesy, but I mean that with every ounce of me.
2. What are the benefits of being organized?
Everything: mind, body, and soul. Seriously, people ask me this question all the time, and I can whole-heartedly say that being organized is the core to living your best life. If you think about life and all its aspects; schedules, career, fun, family, friends, travel home, etc — when all of that is organized you feel GREAT. It’s the chaos of being unorganized that stresses people out. Everyday I see clients who’re “overwhelmed” with how their house is organized, their endless laundry list of to-dos, and the papers scattered everywhere – the list could go on and on. By simply teaching them various systems in order to help them become more efficient while organizing their space, well, that changes the game for everyone.
3. What does it take to pursue your dreams?
A lot of hard work, never giving up, and making lots of mistakes. I remember hearing a phrase that’s stuck with me forever. The only reason you won’t succeed is if you give up on your dream and just stop before the real magic happens. I’m refusing to do that. I’ll let this passion kill me if it has too (kidding, of course) but really — I see what it’s doing for people and, just, what an incredible thing to be able to change someone’s life, you know? My job is so much more than organizing a closet, a garage, or any space for that matter. My job is how I try to make them feel in the process. We are all in this crazy life together and just really trying to do our best. I remember watching my dad, before he passed away, “change the world” by just being HIM. I remember thinking how incredibly lucky anyone was that came in contact with him because he just had THAT effect on people. I wanted to do the same, and can only hope that I’m doing that by bringing my passion to life everyday.
4. What emotions have surfaced along your path to success and how do you handle them?
Let me tell you, anyone that owns his or her own business will tell you it’s a roller coaster. Ask my family and best friends, ha! When you make a life for yourself without a steady paycheck every two weeks; relying solely on what YOU put out…it’s a lot of work. People don’t realize that it’s on your mind all day, every single day, which can be extremely exhausting. I’ve missed numerous events, weekends, nights, time with family and friends, all because I needed to “work.” It’s hard to find a balance, especially in just my first year of this. However, I’m learning the importance of saying “no” even though I have this feeling of guilt for doing something for myself. I can become pretty overwhelmed, and I’m honestly just trying to take the ups and downs in stride, day by day. But, seeing what’s been created in front of me so far, I have to say it’s pretty magical. All I know for sure is that I would love to leave my mark on this world, and I’m trying everyday to accomplish that by dreaming big and living out my passion.
5. How did the Archetypal Patterning at CF Studio help guide you more on your path?
The archetypal patterning system helped center me. It’s pushed and forced me to confront areas of growth that I’ve always tossed aside due to my fear of disappointing people. Rather than doing what I TRULY wanted to do in each moment, I did what others wanted me to do. I stood behind my voice for years because, truthfully, I didn’t think that what I had to say was right or, more importantly, even mattered. I learned that I can still give what I want to give in this world and by setting boundaries, can actually give even more.
I trust in myself now and what I’m capable of offering each person that I come in contact with—I believe that I’m doing my very best with everything I have. The choices I’m making currently are for ME. It’s a beautiful thing, really, when you find out why you’re put on this earth. Every single day I feel incredibly blessed to know that I’ve found my passion, that feeling that awakens my soul. Most people spend their entire life searching for that, and, at 30, I can honestly say I’m living my dream. The faith I have put forth is because of the work I have put in. I realize that every day I’m here is another day I have to make a difference. I am, like everyone else, a “work in progress” and hope to never stop dreaming or learning. We have one shot at this life, so why not give it your all?
**See other life tips or organizing tips on Jen’s Blog**
*** CF Studio February Special: Archetypal Patterning $150 (regular $250)***
HONORED to have both of you in my life. I admire both of you and it’s amazing to watch both of your lives intertwine and make difference.
So proud of you Jen! Gina, once again, your guidance continues to help everyone on this journey.
Thanks Nic! Love you so much. xoxo