Forgiveness is easy, indulging our pain is not. Many of the clients who enter my office are exhausted—ready and willing to heal. They’ve come to terms that they need to…Continue reading
8My Cancer Scare
Yep. Me. I was 31 weeks pregnant with my first-born baby boy and experiencing some weird dizziness symptoms. My doctor suggested I go to the hospital to get monitored. After…Continue reading
11Physical & Energetic Therapy
You cannot heal what you cannot feel… The number one question I receive: Gina, what exactly is it that you do? I am a physical therapist, and I blend energetic…Continue reading
10We Won
-On Love- Love one another, but make not a bond of love: Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but…Continue reading
13American Masculinity
“If we are in a culture that doesn’t value caring, doesn’t value relationships or empathy, you are going to have boys and girls, men and women go crazy.” –Dr. Niobe…Continue reading
9Ryan’s Rebirth: Part Three
After writing open letters to his mother and father, Ryan still felt a blockage to intimacy. Yes, letters like these can bring some insight into one’s experiences, but it doesn’t…Continue reading