Taking A Look At The Crystal Child

There’s a new child archetype that I’m beginning to see at Centripetal Force Studio, one where a child is filled with sensitivity, both to the physical and emotional world—the Crystal Child. Sometimes suffering from deep depression or having an unquenchable thirst for natural foods, the common theme these kids have is developmental and sensory disorders, such as Asperger’s Syndrome, which is described as a mild form of Autism. These children may be academically struggling in school, have difficulty connecting and socializing with others, or just feel awkward in their physical bodies. Peers quickly take pause, tactlessly observing the inner defeat these angels suffer from, while parents cringe as they observe their child’s spiral. What are we supposed to do as parents? Their personality quirks are something these kids have to live with so we try and help them. We fix them with some positive affirmations and send them on their way. But we’re oblivious to the anxiety that’s slowly building and accruing in their heart center.

Some parents seek help from medical professionals that will typically point them in the direction of a psychological evaluation. These tests will analyze behavior and other patterns that can, perhaps, fall and tumble into a diagnosis of Asperger’s.

Most parents have sought out ways for their child to become connected in some sort of physical way—karate, soccer, gymnastics, dance, and many others. However, these kids find that they’re happier flexing their skills on that one “thing” that’s their inherent gift, while being in the comfort of their home. Typically, their happy place leans towards a creative activity that falls within the category of the arts—music, drawing, dancing, singing, make-believe…all activities that are typically given very little attention in the public school system.

This darling child of yours has some resistance when interacting with teachers even when you know he or she is quite capable of following and learning the material at hand. Yes, he or she seems to be doing ok but most certainly not thriving in life as they could be. It’s puzzling for parents, and, truthfully, their lack of emotional growth isn’t even on the radar for teachers and principles.

However, sometimes parents take a stand, searching for something different.

More and more mothers are carefully escorting their children through the door of my office. Instantly, big smiles and wide eyes take over their child’s features—the energy of the space pulls them in. Not all of the children I see have Asperger’s, but they can be rocking on that fine line of some sort of sensory issue or disturbance. I really have yet to see one child be too shy, while I’m sure it helps that I have children of my own, ultimately teaching me how to connect and bring the best out in a kid. Most of these Crystal Children have confidence in the space I’ve created and trust my intention to make them feel stronger. Our sessions may even begin with a quick “I’m good” shout as they happily wave goodbye to mom or dad.

Rather than jumping straight into my methodologies and equipment, I show them the large and beautiful white chunk of Selenite, which lies beneath my treatment table. Usually their inquisitive nature is peaked and they ask what exactly that piece of stone is.

And that’s how our casual dialogue begins: me telling them about this protective stone, which shields a person or space from outside influences, while, they eagerly listen.

Side note, I love Selenite as it can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy.  The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one’s guides, guardians, Christ consciousness or Higher Self, and can even be held or placed around a person to facilitate such a connection.

After I explain, the Crystal Children look up at me with their deeply set eyes like, “How do you know?” I’m filled with happiness and pride as I notice how comfortable they now feel, one kid even told his mom that he wanted to live at the studio!

They find this connection to the soul, which is absent, not only in their lives, but in the relationships surrounding them as well. No wonder they’re left feeling shut down, stuck, or depleted. The medical world is slapping multiple diagnoses on young children when they’re truly just neglected of spiritual food.

Why would anyone want to have Aspberger’s Syndrome dangling over his or her head with the way it’s viewed in our culture? “Oh they’re smart kids but socially awkward,” is continually repeated, over and over.

What if we cut free that diagnosis that’s constantly hanging above their head, and, instead, viewed them as powerful beings full of light? What if we saw them as potential guides, illuminating this planet, and highlighting the faults of our own spiritual chaos? What if their love can make us feel whole again?

There’s so much wealth and wonder stored inside these amazing, little humans, but we become so fixated on medical responses that we forget to step back and see them as a whole. There’s no need to change who they are, but there is a need to forge connections with them, appreciating their hesitancy but reaching out to breach the gap anyway.

Let’s remember to appreciate one another for who we are, in all our forms, and not be so quick to judge. Instead, lets open our ears and listen, connecting souls to souls for the ultimate bond that humanity could ever ask for.


